
Founded in May 2023, Stocksbridge Running Club is Stocksbridge’s club for runners of all disciplines; we have members who participate in road, trail, fell, cross country and even the odd OCR. Our members largely live and work in Stocksbridge, Deepcar and the surrounding areas, but we have a plethora of athletes from further afield too with ties to Stocksbridge! We support both social members and those competing at all levels from parkrun through to masters competitions.

The running club was setup with the support of Stocksbridge Park Steels Football Club and is part of their expanding portfolio to be a community group for Stocksbridge and the surrounding area.

Run with us

    4 days ago

    Endurancelife Peak District 10k

    Saturday the 8th of February saw Castleton host Endurancelife Peak District 10k, half, full and ultra Marathons. Originally rescheduled from…
    1 week ago

    2nd Annual Club Awards

    A champion evening at Bracken Moor Sports and Social Club, home of our parent group Stocksbridge Park Steels, for our…
    2 weeks ago

    Meltham Tough 10K

    Thankfully the weather forecast changed from cold and wet and just cold on Sunday morning and it was windy up…
    2 weeks ago

    Tissington Trail Spring Half Marathon

    Three ladies from the club took on the cold weather to complete the Tissington Trail Half Marathon as our first…
    3 weeks ago

    Brass Monkey Half Marathon

    6am. Alarm. Snooze. Second alarm. Get up. Eat porridge. Get changed (into new club kit). Quick car drop at my…

    Amble’s Revenge

    Last race of the year for me but first in the new kit, which is extremely light. Had the age-old…

    Our club nights are free and open for people to come and try us out. Our traditional club night is Monday at 6:00pm starting from Bracken Moor Stadium or Fox Valley Fountains on alternative Mondays. We have two groups running 10K (6 miles) & 8K (5 miles) in approx 65 mins.

    Training Info

    Latest News

      2nd Annual Club Awards

      Meltham Tough 10K

      Brass Monkey Half Marathon

      Amble’s Revenge

      Join Us


      Join Stocksbridge Running Club today, become a member of Stocksbridge’s only England Affiliated running club and share in our growing success.


      Fees & Join Us

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